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PURPOSE: To show love and gratitude to the teachers and staff by offering a free AromaTouch hand technique and brief health consult. This can be a great way to reach new customers and network with schools, organizations and communities.
Other Resources: Employee Appreciation Day Resources
Each school district is different, but look on your school district's website for opportunities to volunteer, become a Partner in Education or participate in school events in any way. The idea is to create a connection with the school where you can easily offer your services.
Example: Orange County School District in Florida. You can become an ADD Volunteer and Partner in Education for schools in the district.
If your school district has not developed such opportunities online yet, you should reach out directly to each school by email or a personal visit. This is a good idea regardless of whether you were able to sign up for any services onilne or not. Networking with the school will create good rapport and unexpected opportunities.
Send this email to schools to help you book your first event. Some schools may want to have you multiple times a year or outside their regularly scheduled Appreciation Days.
Version #1TO: [SCHOOLS]SUBJECT: Teacher Appreciation Holistic Wellness Day opportunity
Hi, my name is _____. I'm a local ____ and ____ and I’d love to be part of your next teacher appreciation day to offer a complimentary holisitc wellness experience and aromatherapy hand and ear massage with lavender, serenity, citrus bliss and other amazing essential oils to help relax, uplift and rejuvenate the teachers in recognition of all their hard work and dedication. The personalized aromatherapy sessions are a little slice of heaven well deserved!It's process is simple. We schedule a day for me to arrive at your school. I setup my things in any room of your choice. Teachers that want to participate will sign up online for a 15 min session prior to my arrival. Sessions are free of charge to the teacher, plus they get a little gift bag to take with them afterwards. My intention is to support the holistic wellness of the teachers so they may accomplish all they need to do with energy, clarity and joy. Even just a 15 min session can have a profound impact on increasing focus, balancing emotions, and being more productive all day long. Plus, the tips and best practices I share with teachers will help extend their wellness year-round, reducing sick days and. Visit our Teacher Appreciation Day site for more info.If you're interested, just reply to this email and I can share more details and we can schedule a day and time for my visit. Or simply fill out the Teacher Appreciation Day Request Form.It would truly be my pleasure to offer this amazing complimentary aromatherapy at your school next. If there is someone else at your school who coordinates these types of events, please pass me their information so I can follow up with them too.Thank you!Delmar Ahlstrom206.661.5541delmar@home-essential-oils.comCertified Essential Oil Specialist and Wellness Coach
Version #2TO: [SCHOOLS]SUBJECT: Teacher Appreciation Wellness Event Opportunity
My name is Delmar Ahlstrom. I'm a Certified AromaTouch Instructor and Emotional Wellness Coach and I’m reaching out to offer a special aromatherapy hand massage and pampering event for your teachers and staff during Appreciation Week or as an independent event.
The event is free of charge for the school and participants. My intention is to provide a calming, uplifting, rejuvenating experience to help support and recognize the hard work and dedication of your teachers and staff this year. Previous participants report increased productivity, better relationships with co-workers and students, and feeling more emotionally balanced. A little appreciation goes a long ways to bettering all aspects of the work environment. Aromatherapy Hand Massage event details and demonstration.
How it works:
How to schedule:
You may reply to this email with any questions or simply fill out the Aromatherapy Hand Massage Event Schedule Form to get started.
It would truly be my pleasure to offer this unique and powerful complimentary aromatherapy at your school. Participants are welcome to purchase products I have for sale, but there are no obligations.
I look forward to visiting you soon,
Delmar Ahlstrom206.661.5541delmar@home-essential-oils.comCertified AromaTouch Instructor, Emotional Wellness Coach, and Essential Oil Specialist
If no email response, follow up with a visit and/or call. When visiting, be sure to drop off a flyer with event details and your contact info.
Use our Teacher Appreciation Day website to help share details about how the event works, pictures, videos and testimonials. You may also create your own personalized version.
Once event dates are confirmed, send out your event scheduler to the school event coordinator so they can email to all teacher and staff. 20 minute appointment blocks are ideal in order to see as many people as possible and have a few minutes in between to prepare for next guest.
Setup (20 min)
Each Guest (15 min)
Focus on them having a great experience with the hand massage is most important.
When working with a school you may be asked to make a donation of some kind. We recommend instead of donating cash or products, donate services from which you can meet and build a relationship with people.
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