Already a doTERRA Member?

doTERRA members love shopping on our site for their favorite doTERRA essential oils and products because we guarantee the same great doTERRA quality and customer service, plus

  • Free shipping
  • Fast and easy shopping
  • No membership or login required

We can not provide additional discounts for members. Shop on our site at retail price or become a wholesale member for free today!

Reactivate My doTERRA Wholesale Account

If you haven't used your doTERRA wholesale account for over a year, you may request reactivation. Once reactivated, you can login and shop wholesale prices again, plus participate in all member-only promotions.

  1. Click "Request Reactivation" below
  2. Load the reactivation email template
  3. Send email

Please allow up to 24 hours to process your request. Request should be sent from the same email address currently on your doTERRA account.


dōTERRA drop