doTERRA Adaptiv Capsules Reviews and Testimonials

doTERRA Adaptiv Capsules Reviews and Testimonials

doTERRA Adaptiv Calming Blend Capsules combine the soothing benefits of specifically selected CPTG essential oils with clinically studied botanicals. A supportive and relaxing formula, this proprietary blend of ingredients helps empower and encourage when adapting to stressful situations or acclimating to new surroundings. The Adaptiv Calming Blend Capsules are one of the best tools available to help manage the effects of everyday tension, anxious feelings, uneasiness, and worry.


We live in a world where we want everything to happen instantly. We spend too much time with our smart phones and laptops without ever really giving ourselves a break from work. We lose out on opportunities to connect with friends and family. We feel that working hard and taking fewer breaks makes us successful. The bills won’t stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day, and work and family responsibilities will always be demanding. A nagging headache, trouble sleeping, a lack of energy and decreased productivity are all signs of everyday stress. Exercise like Yoga or a few hours at the gym helps. Meditation, eating right, even hobbies or a vacation can be beneficial.

Stress management is all about taking charge of lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, and dealing with problems. Let’s face it, we can’t completely eliminate stressors so we need something to help us adapt. The doTERRA Adaptiv Calming Blend products are an effective answer to reducing stress and helping to restore mental and physical resiliency.

The Adaptiv Calming Blend Capsules have mood-boosting and tension-reducing effects of a blend of CPTG essential oils Lavender, Coriander, Wild Orange, and Fennel along with Sceletium, GABA, and Ahiflower. Botanical extract Sceletium comes from a succulent plant found in South Africa known as Kanna. Sceletium Extract (aka as Zembrin patented extract) is responsibly sourced from a sustainable supply with endorsement by the South African indigenous knowledge holders. A unique phytochemical ingredient found in Sceletium Extract, brings a feeling of “alert serenity.”

The extract supports healthy emotional responses to everyday stressors and promotes feelings of happiness and well-being. It balances healthy levels of mood-stabilizing hormones and improves cognitive function while combating occasional nervousness. A quieting neurotransmitter, GABA, also helps promote relaxation. GABA has a natural comforting effect and helps reduce feelings of apprehension and fear by decreasing neuronal excitability. Sometimes called “the brakes of the brain,” because it lowers the activity of neural cells in the brain and central nervous system, it has the effect of moving the brain and the body into lower gear. By inhibiting neural activity, GABA reduces mental and physical strain.

Clinical Trial

doTERRA's landmark clinical trial of Adaptiv investigated something we all face: Stress, tension and anxiousness.

This study involved a larger number of doTERRA scientists than any previous in-house trial. It was also the first involving psychological elements—including the youngest study participants in any doTERRA trial.

While the study is on-going, the testimonials and reviews of the Adaptiv system are already pouring in. Take a few minutes to read the amazing benefits of this revolutionary new product line.

Primary Benefits

  • Calms and promotes positive feelings
  • Supports mood and helps improve state of mind
  • Helps when acclimating to now surroundings and adapting to stressful situations
  • Encourages relaxation
  • Supports cognitive function and emotional balance
  • Promotes mental well-being

Directions for Use

Take one Adaptiv Calming Blend Capsule daily to combat stress, tension, and occasional anxious feelings.


doTERRA Adaptiv Ingredients

doTERRA Adaptiv Capsules Reviews and Testimonials

  1. This stuff is amazing! Sometimes when I fly I get anxious. I'm not afraid of flying but I can get antsy and fidgety. Taking a capsule before I fly or during a flight totally calms that down. It also helps my husband get a better night's sleep. I can't keep enough roll-on around! - Laura
  2. The capsules absolutely even out my daily stress! The oil has helped my 2 year old stop having night terrors. And the roll on helps me and both my sons in all the other moments of the day that cause stress and anxiousness. I will never again be without this oil - Tiffany T.
  3. I love love adaptiv these products are amazing ive got tha roller blend the 15ml bottle and tha capsules too and it really does helps with anxious feeling and nervousness and panicky really calms me down and makes me more relax confident and happier and ive given roller blends to my mates and they love adaptiv too its just amazing and smells good too - Jus
  4. I love the roll on, but the capsule is part of my morning regiment of doterra products.. LLV, adavtiv, turmeric, and yarrow pom these are all a must in the morning.... Adativ helps me not be overwhelmed with work and everything that is in my daily plate... I can stress myself out myself with everything in the world and what I take on... Adativ let's me take it on with a chill bring it on thought process... its werid and great and the same time. - Jennifer
  5. Oh, my! My husband is going through a stressful time taking on a volunteer job way out of his comfort zone. He went to his doctor for help. After he read the warning label what was being recommended to take, he agreed to try the Adaptiv capsules. When he ran out today, before my new order arrived, he was desperate. I picked up a few capsules from a friend today to tide him over. (My order should be here Tuesday). Usually I get a quick “thanks” from him, but today I got “thank you very much” by text and again in person today! This is a big deal for him to trust DoTerra! And later when he used the roller on his feet, he slept 5 hours straight...a real treat for him! - Kathi
  6. I do not have anxeity but I do have a stressful job at the moment and I take the capsules and I’m a much calmer, level headed individual. When I forgot to take a capsule, I know within the first couple hours of work. This has been a game changer for me. I also diffuse this in the evenings before bed. - Michelle

    doTERRA Adaptiv Capsules

  7. The capsules really help take the edge off - just enough to not trigger my feelings of anxiousness!!! - Monica
  8. I was waking up panicking and sweating. If my husband woke up his mind would start racing and he wouldn’t sleep anymore. We are taking Adaptiv capsules before bed and IF we wake up we roll Adaptiv touch on our temples and go right back to sleep. 2 bottles Adaptiv are on my LRP now - Elizabeth
  9. I added adaptive to my LLV. What I like about the capsules is that it's easy to remember to take it when I take my vitamins. I use the roll on when I get up in the morning and added it to my Peace and Balance regimen that I do. I just started doing that one recently and I cannot believe the amount of energy that I have. - Denise
  10. I starting taking the capsules every morning about 3 weeks ago and at work I diffuse the oil. I've been able to tolerated many stressors so much better. Thank you DoTerra - Melania
  11. This has been a game changing line for me! If I feel stress coming on or my thoughts just won’t stop, I can take a capsule and it calms me down quickly. - Katy
  12. Definitely love the capsules!! Seems to be helping with my stress and boosting my spirits. - Noreen
  13. Adding adaptiv oil and capsules to my regimen has made things a whole lot better - Angie

    doTERRA Adaptiv Capsules

  14. This is my absolute favorite right now. Both the capsules and the oil diffused help me relax before bed. And during the holidays I was rolling Adaptiv to help calm myself when I felt my anxiousness rising up. I also roll in the car to keep myself calm. Adaptiv is a daily go to now! - Kristina
  15. Adaptiv has helped me tremendously!!! I use the roller ball and take a capsule whenever I am entering stressful social interactions, or to help me focus on homework. It helps me stay calm so I can avoid those anxious feelings and not get overwhelmed by the amount of homework due. - Kellee
  16. I was having serious anxious feelings, beyond what I normally get. I started out taking 1 in the am and 1 in the pm. I can’t tell you how much it has helped!! I have not taken anything else since I started taking the capsules. What a life saver!! I am so grateful for this oil blend. - Keri
  17. Adaptive changed everything for me! I have all of it - pills, rollers, drops - I use it to stay calm when people are trying to get me to lose my temper and say things I can’t. I use the drops to help keep my room calm so everyone around me stays mellow along with me. When I know it’s going to be a hard day when I wake, I take the pills to battle my stress and my temper. When I heard about it this summer, I knew it would be just what I needed! Love love love Adaptive! - Samantha
  18. I am the mother of an autistic 26 year old. I have dealt with what I call stress paralysis for years. It is so hard to get stuff done. I have started diffusing it in the house, so we can all benefit from it, and I have started taking the pills. I gave the roller ball to my daughter who works with autistic children. Thank you, thank you, thank you for theses products. I have accomplished more this last month than any month in the last four years, and I believe my whole family has benefited from the diffusing. - Crystal

Where to Purchase

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