Why you Should Switch to Essential Oils as a Mouthwash




Essential oils have been around for centuries now and the reason why they are still being used and trusted even amidst this modern age is because of their undeniably healing and therapeutic benefits which never cease to deteriorate and not to mention astonish mankind all over the world as it keeps revealing more health benefits and advantages as time goes by. This is the most obvious justification as to why essential oils have drastically taken over the healthcare industry over the past few decades. The rise in demand for such only proves that people have ascertained a new perspective in terms of health and personal care.


Let’s Go Back to Basics

Back to Basics


Essential Oils are basically extracted compounds from plants capturing, therefore, their actual scent, flavor, or essence. These concentrated extracts contain higher levels of active components making them very potent.


There is a range of plants that are commonly used by manufacturers to create some of the most popular essential oils like lavender, clove, eucalyptus, thyme, tea tree, chamomile, and peppermint, and many more. These are the main ingredients in creating products we usually buy from the mall or the supermarket which promise to deliver only the best health results but can sometimes end up being misled due to several factors like artificial and man-made raw materials or the lack if not the absence of the right amount of essential oils to it.


Clearly, there are a plethora of products that can be made and formulated from essential oils but the one that has greatly made a promising impact on both healthcare providers and consumers are those used for mouth wash and toothpaste alternatives.


Essential Oils to Improve Oral Health

A scientific study in one of the articles from the Journal of International Oral Health has confirmed that essential oil rinses are as equally as effective as fluoride and that they innately possess antimicrobial elements against plaque and gingivitis. There is a list of different essences but the ones that are found to be most effective in almost any oral hygiene need are the following:




Cinnamon is antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial in nature which makes it a very good cleanser for all oral health care needs. And since it has a substantial amount of antimicrobial properties, this kind of essential oil can be used to fight bacteria causing tooth decay.



Tea Tree

Tea Tree

This oil can considerably be the perfect Do-It-Yourself mouth wash or even toothpaste because of its natural ingredients suited to eliminate bacteria and germs inside the mouth that cause bad breaths. It has also a powerful unit that relieves bleeding gums. It is important to note though that tea tree must NEVER be used internally apart from mouthwash or toothpaste as it can be harmful when ingested




It has the ability to restrict bacteria build up in the mouth reducing any risk of gum diseases, mouth and throat infections, and even bad breath. Clove oil has long been used and applied directly to gums to ease toothache making this oil very powerful and effective as a quick remedy for such tooth discomforts and diseases.




Peppermint oil comes from leaves of the cross between water mint and spearmint and contains over forty different compounds including menthol which make up its cooling and numbing elements. It is outstandingly useful in combating oral pathogens when used for dental and oral care.




This is somewhat similar to peppermint as far as oral hygiene and treatment are concerned. Since this oil generates a minty flavor, it is widely used for mouthwashes. This oil also contains anti-inflammatory properties which can be the solution for certain gum diseases.


Easy Mouthwash Recipe

Here's a mouthwash essential oil recipe that could really bring the best smile out of you and it’s very easy too!

  • ½ cup distilled or filtered water
  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 2 drops of Clove essential oil
  • 2 drops of Peppermint essential oil

Mix all the ingredients together, and swish about 2-3 teaspoons in your mouth for two minutes. Make sure to shake the formula before each use.


Wrap Up

While dental or oral hygiene needs vary per person, common denominators such as tooth decay, halitosis, and gum diseases remain to be crucial and must be given attention. Fluoride in commercialized kinds of toothpaste may grant us an answer but never the solution as this chemical can cause a roll of negative effects that could not just potentially harm our teeth but our bodies as well. Essential Oils are Mother Earth’s most precious gift to provide us with the most holistic and trusted sources of medicine, therapy, and many more. It is time to resort to these amazing oils to better improve our oral health.


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