Have you heard the buzz about CBD oil? Cannabidiol, known as CBD oil, is a natural cannabinoid, which means it activates the receptors in your endocannabinoid (EC) system. The EC system helps the body manage physiological responses to different forms of stress. In this recent interview, Dr. Hill and Dr. Osguthorpe discuss how CBD works and compare it to dōTERRA’s Copaiba essential oil.
Dr. Osguthorpe: CBD is flooding the marketplace in every product imaginable, from mascara to doggy treats. The trouble is when people take CBD to help them with health problems, they require really high doses—so high, in fact, that the price point becomes unaffordable for most people.
Dr. Hill: On top of that, we are seeing a lot of inconsistencies in the amount of CBD that’s available in some of these products. Is there purity in these products?
Dr. O.: The trouble with CBD is that the hemp industry, where CBD comes from, is not well regulated. Products are not checked for purity, so the amount of CBD within those products can be highly variable. Because of the dissonance between the federal and state statutes around CBD, it’s not a good time for us as a company to enter that arena.
Dr. Hill: We’re not saying that CBD has no value—it just requires a lot to be potent and pure. Let’s explain the endocannabinoid system, which CBD affects, for everyone to understand.
Dr. O.: The endocannabinoid system controls a host of things in our bodies—eat, sleep, forget, relax—through receptors called endocannabinoids. Plants make chemicals that interact with our body’s receptors called phytocannabinoids. CBD is one those plant phytocannabinoids, and beta caryophyllene is another. You regulate the endocannabinoid system either up or down with how you bind to those receptors: beta caryophyllene is a direct binder to the system, and CBD is an indirect binder. Copaiba has substantial amounts of the phytocannabinoid beta caryophyllene. The potency you can obtain through a purified product like Copaiba with beta caryophyllene is quite high because it’s a direct binder to the body’s receptors. Binding at the receptor level is really important, but what matters is how you change cellular functions like DNA proteins and enzymes. CBD affects your endocannabinoid system, but it actually affects it indirectly and by a different mechanism than most cannabinoids. CBD acts on an enzyme called Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase (FAAH). FAAH breaks down anandamide, an endocannabinoid that activates the CB1 receptors and produces a euphoric feeling. CBD slows down FAAH’s activity, which leads to increased levels of anandamide, or too much euphoria, in the body.
Dr. Hill: Copaiba is more diverse; it’s not just a phytocannabinoid or beta caryophyllene. There are many molecules within the essential oils with plant chemistry that we know has other benefits than on just the EC system. Unlike CBD, Copaiba has other benefits outside of the endocannabinoid system. We’re confident we have potency and purity in Copaiba. We have looked at the research to know that very small dosage amounts can still create the benefits and effects we’re looking for. Sometimes a bottle of CBD sells for hundreds of dollars, and the amount that I would have to consume is exponentially higher than consuming something like Copaiba that has a higher chemical makeup. From Copaiba I get greater benefit, greater efficacy, and a much higher value.
Dr. O.: The foundation of what dōTERRA does is price, purity, potency, and pathway. Based on these four Ps, I think Copaiba will define itself in the marketplace quite nicely over time.
Where to Purchase
Copaiba essential oil can be purchased in two forms:
- Copaiba essential oil (15 ml)
- Copaiba softgels (60 softgels)